**The youth needs to develop an attitude : I can do it! We can do it !! India will do it!!! ""மரங்களை நடுவோம் பசுமை இல்ல விளைவை தடுப்போம்"" !!! PLEASE DO IT**


                                              TAMIL NADU COMMAN ENTRANCE TEST 
The body responsible for conducting TANCET is Anna University. TANCET stands for Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test. Students who aspire to enroll for MCA or M.Tech or MBA or  M.Arch or M.E or M.Plan can apply for the test. 
Structure and Syllabus
The duration of TANCET MBA Entrance Test is 120 minutes. This test will help to evaluate the qualities required for a candidate who aspire to do MBA. This test consists of following sections: Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension, Data Sufficiency and Data Interpretation.
The duration of TANCET MCA Entrance test is 2 hours. This course is for those students who aspire to MCA courses.
The question paper has following parts: reasoning, basic Computer knowledge,
Quantitative skills and Logical thinking.
The entire test will have 100 multiple choice questions. Other than the subjects mentioned above there may be few questions from science or verbal skill etc.
The duration of TANCET M.E/ M.Plan/M.Tech./ M.Arch/ (Non-GATE) Entrance Test is 2 hours. The paper consists of three sections. The first two parts are compulsory for all the students In the case of the third section candidates can choose their field of specialization. Candidates have to select one from the 14 questions.
Part - I Engineering Mathematics
Candidates have to answer all the 30 multiple choice questions.
Part - II Basic Engineering & Sciences
It consists of 45 multiple choice questions. Candidates have to answer 30 from them. For every incorrect answer .25 marks will be reduced. For every correct answer 1 mark will be given.
Part - III Specialization
This part consists of 14 questions from different areas like Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, etc. There are more than 40 questions in each of the sections. Candidates should answer almost 40 questions to qualify for the test. All the right answers will be given one mark each and .25 marks will be reduced for every wrong answer or if the answers are not correctly shaded.
Eligibility Criteria
Those Candidates who have completed their graduation in any discipline or its equivalent are eligible to apply. They should have done this course from a recognized institute or university. Candidates who are at present doing their final year or are waiting for their results can apply. Those who have done both diploma and graduation can apply as well.
The candidates should have done their graduation in any field or its equivalent to apply for this course. It must have been done from a recognized university. They should have also chosen Mathematics or statistics in their plus two or diploma or graduation courses.
Candidates should have completed their bachelor’s/master’s degree or an equivalent. It should have been done in the same domain in which the candidate wishes to do M.E./M.Tech. M.Arch/M.Plan:
Candidates should have done their bachelor’s or master’s course or its equivalent in the field of architecture/planning.
How to Apply?
Candidates can purchase the TANCET Application form either by Person or by Post or through Online Registration. The application form is the same for the three tests. Candidates have to submit Rs 300/- as an entrance test fee. Those belonging to SC or ST and are from Tamil Nadu have to par Rs 150/-. They are also required to submit a community certificate. The fees are the same for the entire test. If a student wishes to appear for more than one test, then he/she has to pay an additional fee for the test.
SPOT REGISTRATION: Those who wish to purchase the Hall Tickets personally can visit Coordinating Centers with a Demand Draft or cash. They should also submit a copy of their 10th mark list.
REGISTRATION THROUGH INTERNET: Candidates can also register online by visiting 2011.
Important Dates
[Please note that we only provide tentative dates based on previous years dates. For exact dates related information it is always best to check official websites only.]
  • Date of Entrance Exam: May last week, 2012
  • Sale of Application Forms: March last week, 2012
  • Final date for submitting the application forms are by April last week, 2012